Post date: May 26, 2011 4:50:51 PM

Wow summer has come and gone and now it is back to school time. Our Homepage show'd the wonderful back pack event we helped the Rescue Mission with here are just a view more pictures.

Now it it is time to get ready for Thanksgiving and Christmas

This year between Thanksgiving and Christmas we gave out close to 2,000 books to below poverty children we also were bless to help the Rescue Mission again who gave out over 4,000 toys at Christmas

Thanksgiving see all the books against the bounce house Thanks California 1st 5 of San Bernardino. We gave away 250 Parent kit with books and another approx 500 childrens books that day plus did crafts with approx 1000 kids. Thanks to Lori and all the face painters as well

Look at all the people we gave away over 1,200 books that day THANK YOU VOLUNTEERS!

We finished up the Rainforest program with a BANG! it was a blast and the children learned the 4 layers of the rain forest.

We have had so much fun this year from the recent back pack give away. 200 hundred back packs and 220 books were given away to our rainforest program, Easter, and Velentine. Wow