
The Ready 4 Reading Book Club's long-term mission is a

 community where below-poverty children's literacy needs are 

met. For effective long-term community improvement, we will 

work to increase the general public awareness of the literacy 

and health problems that affect below-poverty children. 

We will also ensure that below-poverty children in the community

have access to books through food programs, shelters, and any 

place they receive food.  


Must Sign Up to Attend





Our Little Free Library at the

Rose of Sharon

Honored by the Hesperia School District Lunch Program as a Top Banana

From Left to Right. Supervisor Lovingood, Sharon Cobb (A donor from IRC), and myself

 Lynette Ramirez"s San Bernardino Counties Reading Hero

We were honored to be a 2015 Dreamers

Visionaries and Leaders recipient 

With my mother Claudia Atkinson 

We gave out over 2500 books for the month of  December

Jumpstart for their Read 4 The Record Campaign 

We read to over 700 children and adults

Dr. Suess 

Green Eggs and Ham at

Victor Valley Rescue Mission Dinner


We want to thank our volunteers.  Our volunteers put in over 6,000 

hours for the year.  

Well, our science summer was a bust......ALRIGHT!!!! that means there

were little to no kids at the  Homeless Shelter.  We did have 

one day of learning about colors.  What a better way to learn about 

colors then by making Snow Cones.  

6 months and going strong 

 A big giant Thank you to Payless Shoe store for providing the 

Homeless Shelter kids with brand new shoes.  

We Made Mother's Day cards while we waiting for Payless to



                                      Thank you Victor Valley Rescue Mission for letting us join you for 

your Easter Program.  We gave out over 

500 BOOKS that day



April was also a busy time at the Homeless Shelter

It was National Poetry Month.  This was written by one of the Shelter kids

We spent the month at the shelter learning about flowers 

making a flower garden.  

Our Dr. Seuss Program at the Victor Valley Rescue Mission

The kids having fun at their 2014 Black History Month party

Christmas was wonderful and once again I want to Thank the Rescue Mission for inviting us to join them for their Toy give Away.  This is what it was all about.

We gave out over 4,000 books again 


Homeless Shelter Halloween Party THANK YOU to

The Hernandez Family for coming out and reading their book

Jack and the Zombie Attack


get your copy on Amazon

October 3rd, was proclaimed and recognized as


High Desert Literacy Day

ALRIGHT we did the Read for the Record on October 3, 2013

we read to 311 readers. 

We had so much fun with the Gang from Jack and the Zombie Attack at the Reading Railroad on October 5, 2013

We are proud to support this local author.  This book is on its 

way to being one of the great ones.  To learn more and order 

your copy visit their site at 




Acknowledgments by The County Supervisors, Certificate 

of Recognition by the California Legislature and 

Proclamation by the City of Apple Valley 

Some of our events past events

Reading the first step to building a better future